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“It is the ultimate goal of each and every Soul to reunite with Source in the Twelfth Universal Dimension, since it is from here that all Souls originate and are first cast out. The Soul’s miraculous journey of consciousness growth, achieved through reincarnation, transmigration and Ascension, exemplifies the multidimensional and unified nature of All That Is - God if you prefer - and represents the very essence of universal purpose.”  

"Wheels of Creation: A Guide to Life After Death, Reincarnation & the Journey of Your Soul" re-establishes the Truth behind the journey of your Soul, beginning with its origins and following its progression from lifetime to lifetime, through the Astral realms after physical death and from dimension to dimension.  This book investigates how Soul growth is achieved through the process of Reincarnation, Transmigration and Ascension in each Universal Dimension. "Wheels" explores the unique nature of the Soul and the Wheels of Creation it generates, as well as each lifetime’s relationship to you and the many lifetimes, or reincarnations, that your Soul manifests.


Over two decades of telepathic work has led to the astounding revelations compiled in the EssencePath book series.  Book Six in the Series, “Wheels of Creation: A Guide to Life After Death, Reincarnation and the Journey of Your Soul” continues an extraordinary exploration into higher levels of spiritual guidance and awakening.  Join us as we tour the Human Angelic Soul’s experience; from its origins to its many life incarnations in physical reality; from the process of Third Dimensional physical birth, life and death to your own journey after physical life through the Astral planes to reach final reunification and reintegration with your Soul.  Understand once and for all how and why your Soul plans numerous lifetimes in each Universal Dimension through “Wheels of Creation” that it casts out on the dimensional timeline; and learn how growth is achieved under the guidance of Celestial Beings with access to the Akashic Records in order to ensure Ascension through karmic balancing, vibrational enlightenment and interdimensional experiences.

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