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Your questions about life, living and the world answered from a higher perspective...
Your questions about life, living and the world answered from a higher perspective...
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Ask a question about any situation you'd like to take a look at from a life path or higher perspective. Click on the button above and use the attached form to submit your question in confidence. If your submission is selected for answering and inclusion, your free answer will be posted in this online column. (Note: We adhere to a strict privacy and anti-spam policy, and your full name, email address and location are never included in the response and are never posted, published or shared. All questions and answers become the property of We retain and reserve all rights, including the right to edit your question as we see fit to conform with our online format.)
My Question is About...
...A Look at Death & Dying from a Higher Perspective
What is Death and why is modern society so frightened to look at it closely or even discuss it? Why are so many people today frantically trying to artificially extend their lifetime, or even seeking to live forever? What happens when we die and is there an afterlife?
...The Increase in Cosmic Energies
There seems to be very intense energy happening all around us. Climate wise, the US is experiencing a difficult Spring, with tornadoes in the South and MidWest after an exceedingly warm winter, record breaking heat waves in the West and torrential weather with flooding from the South to the Northeast. Then we get hit with a rare 4.8 magnitude earthquake near New York City.
Add to all this a Solar Eclipse in North America that was longer and darker than the 2017 Eclipse that traveled across the US diagonally from Texas to Maine. And then astronomically in April alone, conjunctions of the Moon and Jupiter, then Jupiter and Uranus, a Full "Pink" Moon, and last but not least, reappearance of something called the "Devil Comet".
What does it all mean and what is going on in the US and world from a higher perspective?
...Alien Soul Incarnations
-What is going on, from a higher perspective, when people feel isolated and alienated from others, as if they don’t belong here and are in the wrong skin. Is it possible that they are actually experiencing alien visitations or encounters, or are aliens themselves?
-Is there an update to the information found in the book, 'Timeline Collapse & Universal Ascension'. I am curious about the significance of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how it relates to some of the predictions found in the book? Is this a significant event on the current and future timeline trajectory, and is it related to a new phase in the covert world war that has been going on behind the scenes between the East and the West?
...Timeline Collapse Update
-Many people are interested in the different aspects of Reincarnation, such as: How many lives do I have; Why am I in the life that I am in; Can I know what my past lives are? There are many books about past lives, and I have read that most people think they are the Reincarnation of someone famous in history, like Cleopatra or Napoleon. So, the question for today is, what is the basic truth about reincarnation?
...The Art of Accepting and Understanding
- I’ve been learning the art of acceptance and understanding, how to let go and surrender to the Now. However, it always leaves me feeling very confused when I try to put it into practice. When a situation or person triggers me, I want to let it go, accept it totally and be at peace, but when I do, I feel an inner resistance. Is it my ego saying “Hmmm, there we go again and you’ve let them walk all over you; You’ve allowed yourself to get used and abused over and over again, just bypassing the whole situation and not dealing with it?” It’s difficult to see the forest for the trees sometimes, and although I really want to let things go, accept them and surrender to the present, that annoying little voice chimes in with a thousand doubts and opinions. It’s so confusing. What’s happening in me when this takes place, and why is it happening?
- My spouse recently retired, but he's having a difficult time adjusting to not having a set agenda and daily schedule. He has a wide range of choices and possibilities, and could do whatever he likes, but can't seem to decide what he wants. As a result, he just let's things ride. Over time, things pile up and then he becomes overwhelmed until, out of frustration, he tosses everything away and the pattern starts over. Can you give me some insight into what is happening here from a higher perspective?
...Aging & Life Changes
- Recently my elderly mother came to live with us. As a free spirit, living alone for many years, she was use to doing whatever she liked whenever it pleased here. My husband, on the other hand, is fine with her living with us, but he is an engineer who prefers things to be highly organized and follow scheduled routines. The dichotomy is beginning to cause tension within the household, and I'm beginning to feel like I'm caught in the middle. Can you illuminate for me what is happening from a higher perspective and show me my role in all of this?
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