Divine Intervention brings a New Year Blessing
December 27th, 2021: Several times over the past two years we have informed you of numerous facts hidden behind what has been termed the...

Of Fallen Angels & Vaccines
May 16th, 2021: Reader Question - I would like to understand the concept of "fallen angels" or a lost generation of Souls better. I...

QAnon, Cabals & Covid Considerations
Part Three: September 2020 - First, let us tackle the notion that these events, the transformation of the Third Universal Dimension into...

QAnon, Cabals & Covid Considerations
Part Two: September 2020 - Our discussion cannot be considered fully explored until we have included the recent Covid-19 question. Have...

QAnon, Cabals & Covid Considerations
September 2020 - The following Three-Part Blog is based on recent thoughtful questions received from readers (our thanks to SM and SF)...

COVID-19: Keep Calm and Carry On
The Power of Fear March 2020 - Let us begin by first reiterating a point we have often stressed in the past: Fear has the power to alter...