When Truth and Illusion Collide: Why what is happening is happening
October 2019 - Long ago we mentioned that when Ascension energies prevail, as they do now, falsehood falls away, the Truth is revealed...

The Power of Words, Thought Control and the Altering of Physical Reality
August 2018 - We have often said that thought is action. The reason for this is that what you think, and the thoughts that are expressed...

"Privacy, please!" How Truth & Privacy are Lessons in Respectfulness
May 2018 - Q. We hear a lot these days about data mining, personal privacy and the question of what is and is not "true." Almost daily...

When Adversity Seems Relentless
Q. The challenges occurring now seem relentless, and there are times when I feel that the events taking place all around us, whether they ar

Where there is Light, Darkness cannot exist
Q: "I have been re-reading Timeline Collapse...as Donald wins the election (much to my dismay). The probable future does not look good....

Finding Your Way to Neutral
You are miraculous beings living in miraculous times. But often such times, and the people, events and discussions they spawn, can be...

To Understand Your Reality, Become Aware of the Expression of Your Will
In the past we have spoken to you of conscious intention, and we have explained that every thought is an action and same or similar...

The Power of Group Intention
Each individual attending or cooperating in a gathering or a group is present not only by conscious choice, but for purposes related to...

The Question of Relationships
Many times the question of “relationship,” one you have with another individual or one you have with a group, comes into play. We would...

Unmasking Your Truth
Q: There is so much fear, apprehension and uncertainty in the world right now -- the world situation is spiraling out of control, the...