The Meaning of 11:11
Q: I’ve been seeing a lot more 11:11, 22:22, etc., than ever before. They seem to be increasing for me personally. Is that in...

Truth & The Integrity of Your Soul
It is our intention to discuss, if you please, the nature of your connection to your Soul and your Soul’s connection to Source. You are...

The Multi Dimensional Universe
The universe is multidimensional and consists of twelve what we shall call “universal” dimensions. Each universal dimension vibrates at a...

An Earth Day Message
We are pleased to meet again and are honored to be with you on a day that has become commonly known as Earth Day. Many would think that...

Collapse of the Current Time Paradigm
You live in miraculous times and it is not by accident that you have chosen to be present in this particular time period. For as we have...

The Significance of 12-21-12
You are quickly approaching the winter solstice of the year 2012. It is a period that has been much touted, much praised and also much...

Q. There have been discussions, books and even a movie put out about significant events that are supposed to happen on Earth in 2012. Can...

The Gulf Oil Spill
Q. This question concerns the oil spill in the Gulf Coast. Does the ocean have the ability to heal itself? A body can sometimes heal...