The Power of Creation
We have told you in the past that what you resist in life will persist, but what you embrace and walk through will in fact disappear from...

Becoming Whole
You are miraculous beings. The life force that is “You” is derived from the energy of your Soul. That energy is transferred to the...

The Money Paradigm
Let us begin by stating an old spiritual adage – one you have undoubtedly heard used in some form or another - “The love of money is the...

The Guidance You Attract
What dictates one's vibration and the guidance a person actually attracts? There are several answers to this particular question. First...

Conscious Intention
We have in the past discussed with you that this current period is an important period in the time known to you as Ascension. This...

Expresing Your Energy in Uncertain Times
Q. There seems to be what feels like a pause in our lives. It seems like a wondering about what will happen next. A loss of momentum,...

When Seeking Truth...
Q: There are many people receiving information and guidance from different sources today. How does the giving of guided information from...

You Are a Multi Dimensional Being
Be aware that you are principally spiritual beings having a physical experience. As such, you are multi-dimensional in nature, and the...

Dreams, The Astral Planes & The Afterlife
Q: What happens when people pass on in terms of dimensions and energy? What really happens when you communicate with people who pass on?...

The Earth's Chakra System & "Un-Natural" Natural Disasters
You, as we have said in the past, are miraculous beings. You are no less miraculous in that you are energetic beings residing in physical...